Monday, September 19, 2011

Hello Part 3

I am back to school. Back to lectures, back to assignments, back to colourful pens, testpad, and HELLO PART THREE. Alhamdulillah, i finally met you.

And not to forget, HELLO SHAH ALAM TRAFFIC. Naahh, not good

I hope, I pray, moga part three not as hard as people thought me. Amin.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Selamat Hari Raya


I hope its not to late to wish this. May all of you forgive for all my wrongdoings.
Anyway, i'm celebrating my raya in Kuala Kangsar. The best place ever !
Got the chance to watch meriam, like we did in previous year. We had so much fun :)

Btw, not to forget, my holiday has come to the ends. Class will start next week.
Excited ? a bit.
Scraed ? a bit also.

I'll be staying outside next sem. Gonna spend lots of money for new house. Sigh.

And to my dearest classmates, we'll meet again next week. Awwwwww, <3333.

And you, yes you, can't wait to see you. 4 months apart. I'm looking forward for our first date after that long period. :D AA.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

kecil untuk kita, besar untuk mereka


Here, saya nak kongsi sedikit cerita, nak minta sesiapa yang melintas, terlintas, membaca atau terbaca untuk berkongsi kesedihan, atau lebih baik lagi jika kita bersama meringankan beban orang yang memerlukan di luar sana. 

Some of you might watched or heard, on tv3 or ntv7. Kisah gadis cantik, yang jatuh sakit secara tiba tiba, dan menderita selama setahun yang lepas.

Tidak kira siapa dia pada kita. 
Tidak kira dari mana asal usulnya. 

Yang pasti, 
Dia saudara seIslam kita. 

Apa kata kita sama sama tolong, tak kira dari segi doa mahupun wang ringgit. 
Hari ini mungkin hari dia, hari kita entah bila. 

Dan percayalah, nikmat yang kita ada sekarang boleh ditarik-Nya, bila bila masa sahaja. 

Name : Zarith Nadhira Zikry
Age : 23 years old. 

Maybank Account Details
Account Holder Name: Zarina Binti Amir
Account Number: 112183147486

Her family has set up a fb page "Contribution for Rara Zikry's medical expenses". 
You guys can have a look, here,

you guys can read all the info regarding her illness, and expenses. 

Let's, let's include her in our doa. 
May with our doa and some donation can help her to smile and walk like before. 

Sumbangan mungkin kecil untuk kita, tapi besar ertinya buat mereka. 


Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Hello Ramadhan

hey, i miss you. 
i do. 
long time no see. 
now i see you again. 

Alright. Mula dengan ungkapan Alhamdulillah, Salam ramadhan semua. :) been very lazy lately. 

So, where should i start. hmmm

Its the 11th day of Ramadhan. My ramadhan goes very well. Alhamdulillah for that. 
Hmmm, puasa kali ni rasa macam lain sikit lah. Rasa seronok, rasa syahdu. Awat ntah. 
Perhaps, sebab dapat puasa sebulan dekat rumah kot ? 

Aku selalu akan ada satu feeling, whenever i saw or heard of someone changes. Feeling that i can't really describe. Happy, scared, jealousy ? I just don't know. -.-"

And its has always been about someone changes becoming a better person, more accurate, 
bila seseorang itu dulunya dapat kulihat dan sentuh rambutnya, kini, dililit hijab.  
And this time, its Anne. (oh, hye Anne comel :p) 

I envy you, Anne. Sangat sangat ok. 

And my favorite tv slot bulan puasa ni, Ini Kisahku, tv9, weekdays. Try watch it. 

BBQ for break fasting

I hope,
I hope. 

That one day, its my time to make the changes. 
That there's a time for me to change. 


Happy Ramadhan, all. 

p/s : can't wait to start new sem, new house, new environment. I miss you, all. :) 

Thursday, June 23, 2011


Alhamdulillah, syukur. 

Alhamdulillah, terima kasih Ya Allah. Kau beri senyuman lagi kepada kedua ayah dan omak. Aku gembira kerna mereka gembira. :) 

Alhamdulillah, aku berjaya lagi dapat listed. 
Alhamdulillah, aku meningkat. 
Alhamdulillah sangat. 

Terima kasih Tuhan. Terima kasih omak ayah. Terima kasih teman-teman seperjuangan. Aku berjaya kerna kalian. 
Terima kasih ESTEE AINA HUSLAN :) 

Tahniah buat semua juge ye. :) 

groupmate <3
curi dari ayu rocher :) 

ini hadiah untuk mereka 

p/s : nak mintak ayah apa ? Iphone, Ipad, Laptop ? kbye. 

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

He is now a Man

Sebelum apa apa, nak say Hai dekat followers baru yang sudi follow. Appreciate sangattt. :) 

4th June 2011. 
Abang dah sah jadi suami. Aku & Iki dah sah ada kakak ipar, Ayah & Omak dah sah jadi mertua. 
Dah sah jadi keluarga berahli enam. 

Nah, a lit bit of the wedding pictures. 

4th June 2011
Kota Sarang Semut, Kedah


10th June 2011
Doa Selamat and Tahlil

Marina Island Hall, Marina Island, Lumut. 
11th June 2011


makteh.makuda.mama.maktam.aunty Lin. 

the crew :)

11th June 2011
Night, BBQ 

Will update more soon  

Alhamdulillah, everything goes well. 
I love you Abang, and welcome Kak Rozaina  :)