Tuesday, February 15, 2011

All in one

It has been awhile since my last entry. Sorry. A lotttttttttt super lot to tell. But i guess i'm gonna just make it short. 

First, i would like to congratulate the newly wed, yana and khai. It was hectic day but it was all worth it. I'll pray for your happiness. Semoga cepat timang anak :) And don't forget to invite me some more. hehehe. 
yana & khai, so sweet. :)

they never treat me as a stranger <333

your time soon. amin. 


the big one. super love. 

Ok, secondly, woahhhhh, there is HUGE DRAMA.  So so huge, and i don't regret at all. Maybe the entry wouldn't sound so huge or the way i wrote might not came out as pissed as i am on the day itself. 

As a start, i have already get rid one of my fakefriend. As i said, i don't regret, malah, i am so grateful. Because at least, one of my drama maker has gone. It all started with misunderstood, from a simple question, misjudgment, lead to stupid statement on one of the social networking, then became big and bing and big. Finally, yeah, we ended up the friendship as what i saw, we never had the chemistry. And actually i ended up knowing 'it' never consider me as  a friend.

So yeah, at least i don't be such a pretender. 
Perhaps, time had change us two. Place had change the me and the it. 
Lupa daratan kot ? yelah, bongkak. 
Naah, i never need you. You were once, need me. Oh not once, thrice. Ke more ? Lantak kau la. 

The only thing you should know, i may look harsh, may look like mean, may act like bitch. but one thing, i had never think of bitching you. I never had a negative thoughts towards you. What are actually happened were just you, always have the negative thoughts to people. It was you that making things big, It was you who easily bitch about people. Not satisfy with anything, don't publicized it on public. If you recall. It was all started when you made a statement on your twitter. Or else, how would i know ? And last time, you were the one who put a controversial status on Fb. Girl, if you can't stand people publicized about you, don't simply make a statement on any social network. I write after you wrote. I don't mind to be look as bad one on this matter. Seriously, for the question that i asked and kau sensitif lebih tu, i don't give a fuck to know pon. Because one guy, you bitch about your FRIEND. ops, aku bukan kawan kau, lupa. Kau bitch pasal orang yang pernah kau hutang budi. Dengan duit pon kau tak boleh bayar budi tu. 

Otak jangan singkat, hidung jangan tinggi.

Last time when i got mad and write, i remembered i publicized again saying sorry for any harsh word. But for this, nope, i wouldn't. Not worth at all. Malas cakap banyak. Orang bongkak. Enough said. 

So yeah, let just left this bullshit behind. To youknowwhoyouare, may you get what you want. Bukan pasal kejayaan, but, may you get the guy you dying for tu. 

Eh, dah la, mari sambung bercerita pasal orang orang yang tak sombong dengan aku. 

Owhhhhh, i start to play tennis again ok people. The last time i played was back then in Kedah. Oh my oh my, first started again, aku pukul macam main badminton. Terima kasih la malu satu kampung. 


Eh, aku main untuk kolej. This is serious mannn. Its either you win or you malu satu season, damn it. The tournament is on 19th and i just started practice, TODAY. How great. So great. pfffffft. Berdoa je lah sempat practice, sempat terror, sempat menang. hahahhaa.
Eh tunggu medal je lah. Ingat tak boleh ke. :DDDDD. 

Anyway, before i forgot, Salam Maulidur Rasul to you people. No, do not celebrate Valentine's. As to respect our prophet. 

Its public holiday, and my classmates has planned a barbeque's for us. Rupa rupanya, kawan kawan kelas aku semuanya housewives. Semua terror masak ok. Nak apa, cakap je. Bihun, muffin, nasigoreng and bla bla bla. I tell you, my classmates were few, but we were so bonding and yeah, we had so much fun.  I am so grateful. :)). Masing masing gila. And masing masing rajin. Like me. hehehe. Thank you people. :D

MC228 ;)

wings are all gone

the boys 

p/s : don't read what i write if you can't bare to take the pain. Its my place, i write what i want. Just moved on, stop reading mine. 

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